Send push notifications
to your users anytime,
right from WordPress.

Reach your audience like never before.

Why do you need this?

Social Media sites force you to compete in the "attention olympics", making clickbait thumbnails and titles, and sensationalist content. You don't get to create what you want anymore, but instead create content about sensational topics. If you want to build an audience that sees your new content no matter what, you need to control the connection to them. That's exactly what subscriberships is and does.

Meet Subscriberships

A WordPress plugin that self-hosts web-push subscriptions, with no extra fees or 3rd parties.

Send push notifications to your users
Send push notifications to your users

Got a new blog post, product, or video to share? Send a push notification to their device, and include a link back to your website where they can see your new stuff! Once a user is subscribed, you can send notifications to their device at any time.

No third parties involved
No third parties involved

It's just you and your subscriber's browser. Never worry about a third party company going bankrupt, charging you monthly fees, or sharing your user's data with advertisers. You'll never lose access to your subscribers when you host their subscriptions yourself.

The smoothest subscribing experience ever.
The smoothest subscribing experience ever.

No more annoying/spammy auto-popup prompts to subscribe! Grow a list of truly-interested subscribers by using the plugin's interactive "Subscribe" buttons, only prompting users who actually want to hear from you.

Exclusive content for subscribers
Exclusive content for subscribers

Subscriberships allows you to restrict exclusive content to your web-push subscribers, adding powerful incentive to subscribe, and helping you grow a list of highly-engaged subscribers.

It remembers the user, no password needed.
It remembers the user, no password needed.

With Subscriberships, there's no hassle with usernames, forgotten passwords, or annoyingly long sign-up processes. It's magical.

No page refreshing
No page refreshing

If the user subscribes, the exclusive content immediately shows up without the page needing to refresh. It's incredibly fast and snappy. Using the latest in browser technology, like React and AJAX, it's an amazing user experience.

Privacy Compliant
Privacy Compliant

New privacy laws like the EU's GDPR require that you show the user a note about 3rd parties you share their data with. By hosting all of the subscription data yourself, you don't need to add anything to your site's privacy policy about that at all.

Put exclusive content on any page
Put exclusive content on any page

Whether it's a part of your latest blog, a new YouTube video, or any other content on your website, you can restrict exclusive content to your subscribers using the simple shortcode. You can even show previews to people who are not-yet-subscribed.

Better than Social Media
Better than Social Media

Getting a subscriber on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter is great, until an "algorithm" decides that you aren't interesting anymore. Many creators have found that their subscribers never hear from them, even though they post new content all the time! By hosting your own subscriptions using the Subscriberships plugin, you'll never lose the ability to send a notification to a subscribed user. They'll get it every single time, no algorithms involved.

Topic related subscriptions
Topic related subscriptions

Let your users subscribe to specific topics, like new blogs posts only, sales only, or updates about a specific purchase they've made through WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads. Or, if topics aren't relevant to your site, let them subscribe to everything and get the "firehose" experience.

Unlock the power of web-push

Browser push notifications are the new email. Don't get left behind!

What is web-push?
What is web-push?

It's a feature of browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and more which allow you to send push notifications directly to a person's device, even if the person isn't currently on your website!

How do I send a notification out?
How do I send a notification out?

With the Subscriberships plugin for WordPress, you can send Push notifications directly from your WordPress dashboard to all of your subscribed users, anytime you want!

Encourage subscriptions
Encourage subscriptions

Subscriberships also lets you restrict content to subscribers only, and provides seamless "subscribe" buttons to help you get new subscribers quickly, and without being spammy about it.

Unlock the power of web-push

Browser push notifications are the new email. Don't get left behind!

What is web-push?
What is web-push?

It's a feature of browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and more which allow you to send push notifications directly to a person's device, even if the person isn't currently on your website!

How do I send a notification out?
How do I send a notification out?

With the Subscriberships plugin for WordPress, you can send Push notifications directly from your WordPress dashboard to all of your subscribed users, anytime you want!

Encourage subscriptions
Encourage subscriptions

Subscriberships also lets you restrict content to subscribers only, and provides seamless "subscribe" buttons to help you get new subscribers quickly, and without being spammy about it.

Watch it in action

In this video you'll see exactly how it works

Finally a winning combination that makes exclusive content on your WordPress website available to your subscribers automatically. It's incredibly easy to use, set-up takes minutes, and your subscribers will love you for making them feel like they belong.

Break free from third parties

By self-hosting your subscriptions, you're in total control. It's just you, your users, and their browser. 

There are a few middleman push companies out there. The biggest is probably One Signal, which sells your user's data to advertisers, potentially making them (and you) incompatible with privacy laws like GDPR. Other companies like PushEngage don't sell your user's data, but they are quite expensive, especially if you're a small business or startup. Cut back on fees and middleware by hosting it yourself with WordPress and Subscriberships.

A powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

Let web-push and subscriberships elevate your marketing game.

Your website is where you are in control. Social Media websites will show annoying ads, other people's content, and lots of distractions. You also never know what algorithm changes YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram might make, preventing your content from reaching your subscribers.

This is why all roads should lead to your website. Did you release a new piece of great content? Put it on your website and make it available to subscribers-only using Subscriberships.

Then, use your Social Media accounts to notify your fans about the content on your website. They'll subscribe to your website, and you'll have an unbreakable connection to them for future content. Build a sustainable online presence, and never worry if your updates will reach your subscribers again!

Who is Subscriberships for?

Subscriberships is perfect for anyone who needs a reliable way to reach their audience

Content Creators
Content Creators
Online Businesses
Online Businesses